The Economy of Enough: Unlocking the Secret to Happily Ever After 🔑🔒📚🔖 Book Description📝 Never put off being kind to yourself again.🙂 What if you could go from feeling like the worst person in the world🌍 to stepping into happily ever after? How about in the time it takes you to read this book?📙 'You're useless....' 'You're so dumb...' 'How could you be so stupid?' 🙄 How many times have you said these things to yourself? 🕺 Probably multiple times a day🌄, every day of your life, if this describes how you feel about yourself: - Never have a kind word for yourself 🔡 - Easily find ways you could have done something better 🛣️ - Have a foreboding sense of resignation that you'll never get anything 'right' - Hold yourself to much higher standards than everyone else 🏞️ - Nothing you ever do is 'good enough' In her latest book📗, award-winning 🏅🏆 businesswoman 👩 Bronwen Sciortino unlocks the secret to happily ev...