Chicken Butt, Chicken Butt ✨📚🔖

Chicken Butt, Chicken Butt ✨📚🔖 BOOK DESCRIPTION 📝 Have fun learning to rhyme with Lisa Michelle's book! "Chicken Butt, Chicken Butt" will make you laugh out loud when you explore all kinds of funny rhymes with your child. Perfect for children 3-5.🐔🌿 A note from the Author ✍️📖 This book was inspired by a delightfully silly game. My spouse, Lon, and I were talking to our Granddaughter, Avery, over Skype, and she asked if she could tell us a joke.🏞️💫 We said, "Sure," and she promptly said, "Chicken Butt!" Lon looked at me and whispered, "Is that the joke?" I whispered back, "Yes, I think so. We should laugh." We laughed and a very delighted Avery just giggled.🐓🌅 She then yelled out, "Chicken Butt, Chicken Butt, it's in your eye!" So, as any self-respecting Grandmother would do, I immediately yelled back, "Chicken Butt, Chicken Butt, on your thigh!" Since Avery is learning to rhyme, the conversation de...